9 Things That Car Insurance Covers

Nine Surprising Things that Car Insurance Covers:

  • Volcanic Eruptions: When Hawaii's Kilauea volcano erupted in 2018, lava swept across neighborhoods, destroying everything in its path. Fortunately, everyone whose automobile was destroyed by the lava flow was likely covered by their auto insurance, providing they had comprehensive coverage.

  • Comprehensive coverage, in fact, will compensate for damages caused by a wide range of natural disasters. Wildfires, earthquakes, and windstorms are all examples of natural disasters.

  • Riots: If your vehicle was in the wrong place at the wrong time and was destroyed by rioters, your insurer could step up and pay for the damage. Riots are among the events covered by the most comprehensive auto insurance policies.

  • Vandalism: Of course, it doesn’t have to be rioters that damage your car in order for you to be covered.

Vandalism can result in an insurance claim for any reason. Slashed tires, a keyed door, or graffiti spray-painted on the side are all possibilities. To submit a claim, you'll need comprehensive coverage, and don't forget to factor in your deductible.

  • Animal Damage: Collisions between cars and deer are a major hazard in some parts of the country, and hitting a deer can cause significant damage to your vehicle. Fortunately, as long as you have comprehensive coverage, your insurance policy will usually cover the repairs.

A comprehensive policy can also be useful for other animal-related damages, such as rodents making a home under the hood and chewing up wires.

  • Missiles: We hope we don't have to worry about military missiles crashing into our cars, but you never know: Life can be crazy. Comprehensive coverage includes missile strikes, as well as more common falling hazards like branches and ice.

  • Pothole-Related Damage: Poorly maintained roads are a problem across the nation, but your collision insurance has you covered if hitting a pothole causes damage to your vehicle.

  • Trees: A collision policy will also pay claims if your car rolls over or hits a tree.

  • Damage From Uninsured Motorists: Most states have at-fault insurance laws, which mean that the insurer of the person who caused the damage pays for the repairs or any associated medical costs. However, there may be cases where the at-fault person is uninsured or underinsured, in which case your policy will pay your costs as long as you have uninsured motorist coverage.

  • Injured Pets: If Fido is riding with you and gets injured in a car accident, your collision coverage could pay for his vet bill. However, there could be limitations on how much your insurer will cover in veterinary bills for pet injuries.

  • Lost Wages: If you are unable to work due to the severity of your injuries, your insurer may pay you for 'lost wages,' which can include your hourly or salaried base pay, overtime, sick pay, etc.


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